Usefull miscellaneous snippets

Use Wildcard With apt

Use the asterisk wildcard syntax when installing packages with Ubuntu’s package manager.

apt install '?name(libkf5.*)'


I3-wm: assign a workspace to a monitor

When working in a multi-monitor setup and apps are assigned to specific workspaces, it is useful to assign workspaces to a specific monitor; for instance, in order to have wide-screen apps like VLC always be displayed on the wider monitor.

List your monitors’s handles using

$ xrandr --listmonitors | awk '{print $4}'
> HDMI-A-0
> eDP

Then define variables and assign workspaces to monitors in the i3 config file

set $monitor_builtin "eDP"
set $monitor_external "HDMI-A-0"
workspace $ws8 output $monitor_external

Note: if workspace have names containing spaces (such as those generated by regolith) numbers should be used:

workspace 8 output $monitor_external


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