Type theory with agda
Notes from MGS 2022 (full course code files)
Day 2
Operations on Types/Sets
A, B: Set
A -> B : Set
A x B: Set -- product
A + B: Set -- labelled sum
-- symbol is disjoint union or coproduct
Day 3
Natural numbers
data nat: Set where
zero: nat
suc: nat -> nat
Annductive type is defined by its constructors
pred: nat -> Maybe nat
pred zero = nothing
pred (suc n) = just n
zerosuc: Maybe nat -> nat
zerosuc nothing = zero
zerosuc (just n) = n
Conatural numbers
A coinductive type is defined by the destructors
Structural greater is a criteria for inductive type
For coinductive type a criteria is productivity: e.g. (predinf inf
will always be productive, the result will never be nothing
record natinf : Set where
predinf : Maybe ninf
zeroinf : natinf
predinf zeroinf = nothing
sucinf : natinf -> natinf
predinf (sucinf x) = just x
-- we can define conatural numbers that are not natural numbers
inf : natinf
predinf inf = just inf
_+inf_ : natinf -> natinf -> natinf
predinf (m +inf n) with predinf m
... | nothing = predinf n
... | just m' = just (m' +inf n)
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